BlackMatter ransomware
import "elf"
rule DarkSide_BM
author = "Andrey Zhdanov"
company = "Group-IB"
family = "ransomware.darkside_blackmatter"
description = "DarkSide/BlackMatter ransomware Windows payload"
severity = 10
score = 100
$h1 = { 64 A1 30 00 00 00 8B B0 A4 00 00 00 8B B8 A8 00
00 00 83 FE 05 75 05 83 FF 01 }
((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and (uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550)) and
(1 of ($h*))
rule BlackMatter
author = "Andrey Zhdanov"
company = "Group-IB"
family = "ransomware.blackmatter.windows"
description = "BlackMatter ransomware Windows payload"
severity = 10
score = 100
$h0 = { 80 C6 61 80 EE 61 C1 CA 0D 03 D0 }
$h1 = { 02 F1 2A F1 B9 0D 00 00 00 D3 CA 03 D0 }
$h2 = { 3C 2B 75 04 B0 78 EB 0E 3C 2F 75 04 B0 69 EB 06
3C 3D 75 02 B0 7A }
$h3 = { 33 C0 40 40 8D 0C C5 01 00 00 00 83 7D 0? 00 75
04 F7 D8 EB 0? }
((uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and (uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550)) and
(1 of ($h*))
rule BlackMatter_Linux
author = "Andrey Zhdanov"
company = "Group-IB"
family = "ransomware.blackmatter.linux"
description = "BlackMatter ransomware Linux payload"
severity = 10
score = 100
$h0 = { 0F B6 10 84 D2 74 19 0F B6 34 0F 40 38 F2 74 10
48 83 C1 01 31 F2 48 83 F9 20 88 10 49 0F 44 C9
48 83 C0 01 4C 39 C0 75 D7 }
$h1 = { 44 42 46 44 C7 4? [1-2] 30 35 35 43 C7 4? [1-2]
2D 39 43 46 C7 4? [1-2] 32 2D 34 42 C7 4? [1-2]
42 38 2D 39 C7 4? [1-2] 30 38 45 2D C7 4? [1-2]
36 44 41 32 C7 4? [1-2] 32 33 32 31 C7 4? [1-2]
42 46 31 37 }
(uint32(0) == 0x464C457F) and
(1 of ($h*)) or
for any i in (0..elf.number_of_sections-2):
(elf.sections[i].name == ".app.version") and
(elf.sections[i+1].name == ".cfgETD")